When it comes to hair care, it’s easy to follow influencers and use their tips or get a few tricks from your stylist. Unfortunately, this approach leads many women on a seemingly endless journey, with plenty of detours for the latest trends, that can make achieving healthy hair and optimal hair growth seem like an impossible challenge.
With all of the different products and techniques out there, it's easy to get overwhelmed. And, with new hair trends popping up all the time, it can be hard to keep up. If you're stuck in a hair rut, or if you're just looking for some tips to help you achieve healthier shiny hair, this guide will break down some of the most important things you can do to get healthy hair, ranging from hair care treatment options to lifestyle changes for improved hair health and more. But, before digging into some practical healthy hair tips, let’s start by identifying the single most important (and overlooked) thing women can do to support healthy hair.
Get to Know Your Hair
If you're looking for healthy, lustrous hair, the best place to start is by getting to know your locks. Different hair types have different levels of natural oils and different needs, so it's important to spend some time figuring out what works best for you.
Start by keeping track of how your hair looks and feels after washing, drying, and styling. Pay attention to which products make your hair look and feel its best, and which ones leave it looking dull and lifeless. For most women, a combination of a gentle hair care shampoo and a deep conditioner is the best start point. Once you've started to get a handle on your hair's needs, it will be much easier to find out exactly how to keep your hair healthy.
Healthy Hair Starts From Within
Maintaining your overall health and wellbeing is the foundation for healthy hair. To start, there are a number of basic lifestyle changes that you can make to improve the quality and appearance of your hair.
Making sure to get enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding stress can all help to promote healthy hair growth. In addition to choosing the right products, such as a high quality relaxer and texturizer, and using them consistently, you also need to consider how you style your hair on a daily basis. Factors such as how often you use hot tools, how tight your hairstyles are, and how often you change up your look can all affect the health of your hair over time.
In addition, you will also want to take into account the level of tension that is placed on your hair when styling. Tight styles like braids and elaborate buns may look great for special occasions, but they may also cause dampness and breakage if worn regularly. For healthy and manageable hair, it is best to alternate between looser styles that allow for natural movement throughout the day.
Less Heat
If you're looking to maintain healthy hair, it's important to keep heat styling to a minimum. Excessive heat can lead to damaged hair strands and hair follicles, causing split ends and breakage. So, put down that curling iron and limit heat styling. Use a hair dryer or let your hair air-dry to avoid brittle hair and split ends.
Caring for Damaged Hair
Dry Hair
If your hair is damaged due to dryness, there are a number of things you can do to encourage healthy growth and restore luster and shine. One key step is to reduce your hair washing schedule, as this can strip away the natural oils that are necessary for healthy, moisturized hair. Instead, only wash your hair once or twice per week, allowing the oils in your scalp to work their magic on your damaged locks.
In addition, you should make sure to use a deep conditioning mask at least once a week. This will provide much-needed moisture and nourishment for your tresses, helping to heal any dryness or breakage. You can also try using a deep conditioner when you shampoo, focusing on the areas of your hair that are most damaged or dry – typically the mid shaft to ends.
To take things one step further, consider investing in a home humidifier for your bedroom or other living spaces. Not only will this infuse more moisture into the air and improve overall air quality, but it will also help ensure that your hair stays healthy and hydrated no matter what the weather is like outside.
Heat Damaged Hair
When it comes to hair damage due to heat, there are many factors that can contribute to fried and broken strands. From straightening, curling, and blow drying to chemical treatments and excessive exposure to UV rays, our hair can take quite a beating on a regular basis.
The best way to protect your hair from damage due to heat is by using a quality heat protectant spray product every time you use heat styling tools. Additionally, you should try to limit your use of these tools to once or twice a week, and avoid overexposing your hair to high temperatures for long periods of time.
When blow drying your hair, be sure to let your wet hair air dry for at least half of the usual time before turning on your hairdryer. When using the dryer itself, hold it several inches away from your hair in order to reduce its exposure to high levels of heat. With these simple tips, you can help protect your healthy and beautiful locks from the damaging effects of heat!
Chemically Damaged Hair
Chemical damage to hair can result from any process that involves the use of harsh chemicals, such as dyeing, bleaching, or chemical treatments. Ideally, when dyeing your hair, it is best to stick within three shades of your natural hair color. This will prevent undue stress on your hair strands and help keep your hair healthy.
Another strategy for maintaining healthy hair is to be realistic about what color you are trying to achieve. If you want to go from deep black hair to a bright icy blonde, for example, the process will take a long time and put a lot of stress on your hair. In these cases, it may be better to explore more gentle coloring options such as ombre, balayage, or highlights. These techniques add dimension and color to your hair without putting too much stress on the strands themselves.
Finally, if you love dyeing your hair but want to avoid harmful chemicals altogether, consider simply adding some extensions or a wig in the desired color instead. This can help you achieve that perfect look without any risk of damaging your natural hair.
Healthy Hair Starts Here!

Maintaining healthy hair can seem like a daunting task, but with the right information and tips, it is possible to keep your locks looking and feeling their best. We’ve outlined some of the most common types of hair damage – from heat damage to chemical damage – and offered solutions on how to prevent or repair this type of damage. With these tips and top-quality hair products from Hera Beauty, you’ll be on your way to having healthy, beautiful hair in no time!